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JKT48 in Indonesia is the first overseas sister group of Japanese idol group AKB48. Other sister groups are SKE48, NMB48, HKT48 and SNH48.
JKT48 Profil & Biodata Member
Profil dan biodata personil JKT48
(nama, nama panggilan, tanggal lahir/ulang tahun, tinggi badan, golongan darah, akun media sosial, foto di Motret JKT48)
Name : Alissa Galliamova
Birthday : 28 Agustus 1993
Nickname : Mova
Height : 160 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @movaJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Mova JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Mova JKT48
Mova JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Ayana Shahab
Birthday : 3 Juni 1997
Nickname : Achan, Ayana
Height : 154 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @achanJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Achan JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Achan JKT48
Achan JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Beby Chaesara Anadila
Birthday : 18 Maret 1998
Nickname : Beby
Height : 160 cm
Blood type : B
Twitter : @bebyJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Beby JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Beby JKT48
Beby JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Cindy Gulla
Birthday : 29 Mei 1997
Nickname : Cindy, Cigul
Height : 149 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @cindyJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Cindy JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Cindy JKT48
Cindy JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Cleopatra
Birthday : 20 Desember 1993
Nickname : Cleo
Height : 164 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @cleoJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Cleo JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Cleo JKT48
Cleo JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Delima Rizky
Birthday : 25 Oktober 1997
Nickname : Delima, Pilong
Height : 158 cm
Blood type : B
Twitter : @delimaJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Delima JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Delima JKT48
Delima JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Devi Kinal Putri
Birthday : 2 Januari 1996
Nickname : Kinal
Height : 162 cm
Blood type : A
Twitter : @kinalJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Kinal JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Kinal JKT48
Kinal JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Diasta Priswarini
Birthday : 9 September 1991
Nickname : Diasta, Nyash
Height : 165 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @diastaJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Diasta JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Diasta JKT48
Diasta JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Frieska Anastasia Laksani
Birthday : 4 Maret 1996
Nickname : Frieska, Tasya
Height : 157 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @frieskaJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Frieska JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Frieska JKT48
Frieska JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Gabriela Margareth Warouw
Birthday : 11 April 1998
Nickname : Gaby
Height : 161 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @gabyJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Gaby JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Gaby JKT48
Gaby JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Ghaida Farisya
Birthday : 29 Mei 1995
Nickname : Ghaida, Farish
Height : 159 cm
Blood type : B
Twitter : @ghaidaJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Ghaida JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Ghaida JKT48
Ghaida JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Jessica Vania
Birthday : 22 Januari 1996
Nickname : Jeje
Height : 154 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @jcvanJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Jeje JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Jeje JKT48
Jeje JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Jessica Veranda
Birthday : 19 Agustus 1993
Nickname : Ve, Veranda
Height : 164 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @veJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Ve JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Ve JKT48
Ve JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Melody Nurramdhani Laksani
Birthday : 24 Maret 1992
Nickname : Melody, Melo
Height : 150 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @melodyJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Melody JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Melody JKT48
Melody JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia
Birthday : 11 November 1999
Nickname : Nabilah, Ayuchin, Ayu
Height : 148 cm
Blood type : B
Twitter : @nabilahJKT48
Google+ : -
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Nabilah JKT48
Nabilah JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Neneng Rosdiana
Birthday : 24 Januari 1999
Nickname : Ochi, Neneng
Height : 160 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @ochiJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Ochi JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Ochi JKT48
Ochi JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Rena Nozawa
Birthday : 6 Mei 1998
Nickname : Rena, Rena-chan
Height : 166 cm
Blood type : B
Twitter : @renaJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Rena JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Rena JKT48
Rena JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Rezky Wiranti Dhike
Birthday : 22 November 1995
Nickname : Dhike, Ikey
Height : 155 cm
Blood type : B
Twitter : @dhikeJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Dhike JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Dhike JKT48
Dhike JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Rica Leyona
Birthday : 19 Agustus 1991
Nickname : Rica, Riyo
Height : 152 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @ricaJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Rica JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Rica JKT48
Rica JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Sendy Ariani
Birthday : 12 Agustus 1993
Nickname : Sendy
Height : 152 cm
Blood type : A
Twitter : @sendyJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Sendy JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Sendy JKT48
Sendy JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Shania Junianatha
Birthday : 27 Juni 1998
Nickname : Shania, Shanju
Height : 163 cm
Blood type : B
Twitter : @shaniaJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Shania JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Shania JKT48
Shania JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Sonia Natalia
Birthday : 17 Desember 1997
Nickname : Sonia, Wawa
Height : 151 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @soniaJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Sonia JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Sonia JKT48
Sonia JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Sonya Pandarmawan
Birthday : 18 Mei 1996
Nickname : Sonya, Panda
Height : 152 cm
Blood type : A
Twitter : @sonyaJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Sonya JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Sonya JKT48
Sonya JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Name : Stella Cornelia
Birthday : 3 November 1994
Nickname : Stella
Height : 155 cm
Blood type : O
Twitter : @stellaJKT48
Google+ : Google+ Stella JKT48
Facebook : Facebook Fanpage Stella JKT48
Stella JKT48 pictures in Motret JKT48
Pictures and information taken from
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